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Yoga FAQs


Do I need to have a good level of fitness to join a class?

You do NOT need to be super fit to join a yoga class. Iyengar yoga is for anyone irrespective of age, gender, health, religion or circumstances in life.

It is not competitive and everyone’s focus becomes very much on themselves in practising the asana. A variety of equipment is used to help develop balance, strength and flexibility, helping us to work to the best of our abilities. A yoga class includes a range of asanas (poses) in a carefully devised sequence - this may involve standing, seated, twisting, back-bending, forward bends, inversions and restorative asanas. There is a period of relaxation at the end of each class. All Iyengar Yoga teachers have undergone an initial teacher training period of at least 2.5 years and continue to practice with senior teachers.


What equipment is used?

The most common items used are a yoga mat, foam blocks, wooden or foam bricks, a yoga belt, a blanket. You may be asked to use a chair or the wall to aide balance and stability.


What if I don’t have any equipment?!

I bring a stash of spare equipment with me to classes, but bringing at least a mat and a blanket is always appreciated.


What do I wear to class?

Leggings or jogging bottoms and a top that will allow you to move freely. Yoga is practised barefoot - this is because the feet play an important role in each asana, and that sensitivity is lost when socks are worn.


Eating/drinking before class

It is advised that you leave about 2 hours between eating a light meal and starting a class, around 4 hours is needed for a heavier meal. Drinking during class is not advised, as you may be bending forwards or backwards or practising an inversion.

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